Thursday, September 25, 2008

Depreciation Adjustments and Write-Ups


Write-ups are necessary if you have claimed too much depreciation for a fixed asset in the past. Tax authorities generally require that the past depreciation be adjusted by means of a write-up. As with post-capitalization, write-ups are most often made as the result of a government tax audit

In this IDES process you increase the useful life of an existing asset. Since this is a change to the depreciation terms, depreciation in fiscal years that are not yet closed must be adjusted. For the closed fiscal years you will have to post write-ups.

You can find more information about this process under .

Process Flow

You can find the data for this process under .

  1. First of all, you need to
  2. Display the Asset to check its current value.
  3. You then
  4. Change the Useful Life of the Asset, from 10 to 15 years. This ensures that in the current fiscal year, the values of the periods still to be posted to are adjusted automatically. In this case, they are reduced.
  5. To display the exact value changes, you
  6. Display the Adjustment.
  7. To adjust the excessive depreciation posting, you
  8. Post the Write-Up.
  9. You then examine the posting, especially the FI document. You
  10. Display the Asset in the Asset Explorer for asset number 2105.
  11. To analyze the values of asset 2015, you
  12. Display the Asset History Sheet.
  13. To ensure that this process can be repeated, you should
  14. Recreate the Starting Situation.

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