Friday, September 12, 2008

Correspondence: Generating Account Statements in FICO


In this process, you generate account statements for IDES customers. The system only supplies account statements for those customers whose master data is maintained accordingly.

For more information about this process, see .


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Receivable ® Periodic Processing ® Print Correspondence ® Periodic Account Statements

    Transaction Code

    F.27, SP01

  3. Enter the following data:
  4. Fields


    North America

    Company code



    Indicator in master record



    Key dates for acct statement

    From the first day to the last day of the current period

    From the first day to the last day of the current period


    SAP06 (Template of an account statement)

    SAP06 (Template of an account statement)

    Delete if finished since

    8 days

    8 days

    Log to printer

    Your printer

    Your printer

  5. Choose .
  6. The system creates a correspondence request for all customers where the field "Account statement" is filled in the customer’s master record, and matches the desired account statement (in our example it was a monthly account statement with indicator "2").

    The system tells you that n periodic account statements were requested.

  7. Choose .
  8. The system tells you that n completed correspondence items were deleted.

  9. Choose .
  10. The system tells you that n correspondence requests were selected.

  11. Choose Yes.
  12. The system generates your print requests and displays the spool number under which they are stored.

  13. To see and then print the generated account statements, choose System ® Services ® Output Controller.
  14. The system defaults your user name and today’s date.

  15. Choose .
  16. On the Output Controller: List of Spool Requests screen, select the spool request that you generated in step 6 (Title "SAP06 .....").
  17. Choose .
  18. The first page of the generated account statement is formatted for viewing.

  19. To display everything, choose Goto ® List Display.
  20. The list contains all the invoices for that customer that were posted in the selected period. Payments made in the period are also listed. The balance is calculated at the end of the list.

  21. Choose until you reach the Output Controller: List of Spool Requests screen again.
  22. Choose .
  23. The account statements are then output on your printer.

  24. To update the status display, choose .
  25. When printout is completed, the print file has the status Compl.

  26. Choose until the overview tree appears.

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