Showing posts with label Account Payable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Account Payable. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Configure the Data Medium Exchange for making payments in SAP

How can I configure the Data Medium Exchange for making payments?
How can I link it to (F110) payment program & get the file MT100 to be sent to the bank?

When configuring the payment methods for the country (transaction OBVCU), choose the payment medium program as RFFOM100.

From se38, pls read the documentation for the program, which will give you the various options & the required config too.

You would also need to configure the instructions keys as required.

To generate the DME file, you have to run the automatic payment program with this payment method.

After the payments have been successfully posted, you can go to DME administration and with the help of dme manager download files on your PC.

SAP has determined that the standard print programs for automatic payments will no longer be supported, and will be replaced by transfer structures created by a tool called the DME Engine.

This tool enables the business to create DME output files without ABAP development, and can be attached to a print program and form for the creation of Payment Advices.

Outside of the DME Engine (DMEE), the majority of the configuration takes place within the following IMG menu path:
IMG Path: Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Media -> Make Settings for Payment Media Formats from Payment Medium Workbench

Assign Selection Variants
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Media -> Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench -> Create / Assign Selection Variants or transaction your format that you are using

Check in FBZP config that all is linked!

Although this is bitty but you need to work through it!

Start with FBZP, create all there than go to DMEE either to create your own format or use the standard ones.. than go to the menu path above and work through from create to assign...

Set the baseline date equals Invoice date in SAP

Through payment terms, you can set the baseline date=Invoice date.

The payment term is entered in the Vendor Master Record and it will be defaulted in MIRO.

If payment term in Purchase Order is different from the Vendor Master Data, it will have preference over the Vendor Master Data.

FB50, FB60, No document number was display in SAP

On the first day of business after the basis people apply an upgrade to a kernel, over the weekend, we lost visibility to the document numbers in the status bar after we posted transactions FB50 and FB60.

An OSS message was created and the reply was that it was an issue with a kernel patch level.

They refer us to OSS note 510815, and kernel patch level 1121.

MIRO No FI document after upgrading to 4.6x in SAP

When we upgrad to 4.6x, users was not willing to access the FI document through Invoice display :-

MIR4 -> Follow on documents

I agreed with them because it is really troublesome to go through such a long steps in order to find out the FI document number.

In 4.6x, SAP only display the Invoice document number after posting.

In order to display both the Invoice and FI document number at the same time, you have to apply OSS notes 216935 and 310231.

You need to changed the programs in order to get the message
"Invoice Document no. & and FI Document no. & created."

The following messages which were modified as per the OSS note to get the FI document number.

Message no
Newtext Old text
060 Document no. & created
Invoice Document no. & and FI Document no. & created

075 Document no. & created (blocked for payment)
Invoice Document no. & and FI Document no.& created (blocked for payment)

282 Document reversed with no. &: Please manually clear FI documents (No change done in
the message text). But it will display FI document number after changes.

392 Invoice document & has been posted (Now this displays Invoice document number.
After changes,it will display FI document number).

After these changes you will be able to see the FI document number and Invoice document number displayed in the message bar after executing the MIRO Transaction.

You will need authorizations and access key to do the modification.

To avoid transfer posting of the same vendor invoice in SAP

You can check "Flag for double invoices or credit memos" on Vendor master data.

In FK02, Company code data -> Options Payment transactions.

Tick Check double invoice.

What is Different Between Posting, Clear and Payment

Posting occurs with many different types of documents. It indicates that all sides of the FI entry are in balance. Posting actually writes the document to the G/L.

Payment on the other hand is the actual issuing of a check. Payments can also be processed in accounts receivable.

In that case, you are posting (updating your books to reflect) the receipt of a check from a customer and the deposit of said check in the bank.

Accounts payable is processing the money your company owes to a vendor for goods and services received. Account Payable is a liability on the balance sheet.

Accounts receivable is collecting the money that other companies/customers owe you. It is an asset on the balance sheet.

SAP is integrated. In most instances, there isn't a "link." The transaction directly updates the tables involved. There is a semi-severance between FI/Payment to allow checks to be issued even if there's a minor imbalance in the FI side of the posting.

Asset depreciation and physical inventory are some example that don't update FI (CO/FM) as soon as the document is saved.

Modules that appear in more than one place is caused by SAP trying to be flexible in where it places things on its menu, so that different users/companies find it easy to locate a given transaction within the confines of the module they work in. This has become more pronounced since the change to role based authorization management. That's why you can reach Create a
requisition from 4 different pathways, why Project Systems is in both Logistics and FI, and why Travel Management is in both HR and FI.

In some organizations, travel authorization and tracking is an HR function, in some it is an FI function.

Difference between Clear and Payments

Apart from processing open items, what is the difference between:
1. Accounting-->FA-->AR-->Document entry-->Incoming payment > F-28 and
2. Accounting-->FA-->AR-->Account-->Clear F-32 and the difference between F-53 and F-44 in AP.

When you post a transaction, you will get a Accounting document. If you are creating a payment document through F-53 or F-58 without linking the Accounting document, than we have to create a link between the accounting document and payment document and that can be done through F-32 (for GL) and F-44 (for AP). An good example is when we make down payment, a payment document is created. If we post the invoice, an accounting document is created. To clear this payment document and accounting document, F-44 is used.

- F-28 will be used to make trasactions for income payments.
Eg: If you receive from a customer by using above T code will be passed necessary entries.
- F-32 will used used for clear the Customer line items.
- F-53 will be used for making payments to vendors.
- F-44 will be used for clearing the Vendor Line items.

Vendors not used within a specified period in SAP

-Original Message----
Subject: vendors not used within a specified period


Wondering if any one can help me?
A while back I found a report which listed vendors not used within a
specified period i.e. list all vendors with no movement over the past 6
months. I can't seem to locate this report/programme?


-----Reply Message----
Subject: RE: vendors not used within a specified period

Try report S_ALR_87010043 - Vendor Business. Within the report, under the
Output Control section, select the indicator "Accounts With No Purchases"
and run the report for the time period which you wish to evaluate. Hope
this helps

-----End of Message-----

Delink Cheque Payment from Payment Document

I want to delink cheque number 000100 from payment doc 4500021.
I want to reverse the payment doc 4500021 and pass a new payment doc 4500022 and attach (Link) the cheque number 000100 to this new payment doc 4500022.

Note the follwoing functionality :

Cheque Voiding ( same as cheque cancellation as we call it )

FCH3 - For unused Cheques i.e. cheques that are not yet assigned to Payment docs.

FCH9 - For issued cheques i.e. cheques assigned to payment docs.

The above will only void the cheque and the payment doc will stand as it is. After voiding the cheque the related payment doc can be reassigned to a new cheque.

If you reverse a Payment document itself ( T.Code FB08 ) then the system will ask for a void reason if a cheque is already assigned. The voiding of cheque will be done automatically if you reverse the payment doc and enter a void reason code. You cannot reverse a payment doc that has been assigned a cheuqes unless you enter a void reason code.

There is a nother transaction available for Payment Cancellation - FCH8

The cheque that has been voided is blocked for further use. If you still want to use it you need to first delete the cheque information. T.Code FCHE.

Also cheque related in this aspect. related T.Codes start with FCH* and can be found in the Area Menu Cheque Information.

How Down Payments Are Configured in SAP

The following Customizing settings have to be made for down payment processing:

Settings for the billing plan - To activate the billing plan function, maintain the materials, for which you wish to process down payments, with item category group 0005 (milestone billing). This gives the item type TAO via item type determination. The item type TAO calls up the billing plan function.

You need to implement the following activities in the billing plan for down payments:

Maintain deadline category - This determines the billing rule (percentage or value down payment) for the down payment request. The system assigns billing type FAZ (payment request) defined in the standard system with billing category P. (For the billing type FAZ there is the cancellation billing document type FAS in the standard system).

Maintain the deadline proposal - Use the down payments that are due for the proposed deadlines.

Maintaining a Pricing Procedure with the Condition Type AZWR:

In the standard system the condition type AZWR is delivered for the down payment value already provided but which has not yet been calculated. You must include this condition type in the relevant pricing procedure before output tax.

Enter condition 2 (item with pricing) and the calculation formula 48 (down payment clearing value must not be bigger than the item value) for the condition type AZWR.

Before the condition AZWR you can create a subtotal with the base value calculation formula 2 (net value). If the condition AZWR is changed manually, you can get information on the original system proposal from the subtotal.

Maintain the printing indicator - The pricing procedure can not be marked as a transaction-specific pricing procedure (field Spec.proc.) The condition type AZWR has the calculation type B (fixed amount) and the condition category E (down payment request / clearing).

Maintaining the Billing Document - In the standard system there is the billing type FAZ (down payment request) and the billing type FAS for canceling . The down payment is controlled using the billing category P of the billing type. A billing type becomes a down payment request when the billing category P is assigned. You have to maintain blocking reason 02 (complete confirmation missing) for the billing documents and assign it to billing type FAZ.

Copying control - Copying requirement 20 must be entered in copying control at item level for the down payment request. In the standard system the order type TA for copying control is set up according to the billing type FAZ for the item category TAO.

Copying requirement 23 must be entered in copying control at item level for down payment clearing. In the standard system the order type TA for copying control is set up according to the billing type F2 for the item category TAO.

Financial Accounting settings - A prerequisite for down payment processing is that the account is assigned to the underlying sales document. To do this, change the field status settings in Customizing as follows:

Set reconciliation accounts (transaction OBXR) - For the `received down payments' and `down payment requests' from
the G/L accounts you have selected, you should assign the field status definition G031.

Maintain accounting configuration (transaction OBXB) - For the down payments (posting key ANZ in the standard system) and the output tax clearing (posting key MVA in the standard system), you must maintain the posting key.

You must also carry out a G/L account number assignment for the tax account.

Maintain the posting key (transaction OB41) - For posting key 19, set the sales order as an optional field !!!

Maintain the field status definition (transaction OB14) - For field status variant 0001, field status group G031, set the
sales order as an optional field !!!

Assign the company code to the field status variants (transaction OBC5)

Setting Up Manual & Automatic Payment Program in SAP

I am doing a project in my institute. we are facing a problem in running a automatic payment program. Suppose I have a balance of Rs 100000 in my bank account and today I am running a Automatic payment run. Total payment of the run are Rs 150000. So when I run Automatic payment run it is not giving any error message. What to do with this problem.

In my point of view we have to create validation. And link between bank account and payment method. If the balance is less than the automatic payment amount the run should be stopped .

The Automatic Payment Program does not check the Balance of your Bank Account.(GL A/c. Bal.)

What it does check is the min & max amounts that you have maintained in your customisation.

In FBZP Transaction (type in easy access screen), you have to maintain the config for your automatic payment runs.

In Bank determination (in FBZP), you have to fill in the available amounts for each Bank. This is the maximum amount up to which payments will be generated by the Auto. Pay. Run.

So if you want to ensure that on any single day the payment run does not pay more than bank balance, you have to update on a daily basis available balance to match with your bank balance .

In SPRO you can find the customisation for A P Run, but FBZP is the old transaction for the same thing. Plus it lets you do all the related customisation, in one place.

As far as I know, there is no direct way of linking your GL account balance to the A P Run. *--

I am creating a new company code 'A', in which the paying company code will be 'B' and the sending company code will be 'A'. Now I have to configure for both manual and automated payments.

Couple of questions on that:

1. For cross-company payments what do I have to do different in the configuration settings.

2. In manual outgoing payments, My user has a list of reason codes ( for overpayment/underpayment) defined for an old company code, it's not allowing me to copy that into my new company code. How can I do that.

In Customizing Maintain Payment Program : Transaction code FBZP
1) define your company code'A" & "B" both in section tab (All Company code)

2) Define Paying company Code for example "A" paying company

3) Payment Method in country in tab
Country IN (India) - Name of Country - Payment Method "C" is for Cheque "D" for Demand Draft etc

4) Payment Method in Company code - for example "A" is paying company define payment method in same section

5) In Bank Determination Section - define Ranking Order, Bank Accounts, Available Amount, Value Date, Expences/ Charges

6) Define House Bank : HB Name , Account ID Bank Account Text,

While runing APP (F110) user should select paying Co Code "A" in maintain variant,

FI Questions about GR/IR in SAP

1. How do we post the FI transactions after doing MIGO?
Does the Migo generate FI postings or do we manually do the posting.
If we do it manually what is the T.Code to do it.
2. How do we reverse an Invoice?
We go to miro and enter a credit memo.
How do we post the reversal entry?

In SAP, the moment you save the MIGO transaction, it automatically generates FI document. It will create following entry:-
Raw Material Stock A/c Dr
To GR/IR Clearing A/c

In MIGO transaction itself, you can post Excise by choosing Capture and Post Excise Invoice. The FI document will be as follows:
RG23A Basic Excise Duty A/c Dr
RG23A Education Cess A/c Dr
To CENVAT Clearing A/c

After doing MIGO, you execute MIRO. In this transaction also, SAP will generate FI document automatically. The entry will be as follows:-
GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr
CENVAT Clearing A/c Dr
VAT Setoff A/c Dr
To AP-Vendor A/c

Reversion of entry of material purchase can be in entered on rejection of material partially or wholly. In this case, you will
have to raise a debit note on the vendor. But before raising debit note, you have to first ensure that the Invoice verification of the material (to be rejected) is complete at the time of purchase.

Purchase documents cannot be reversed directly like pure financial document entry. To reverse the material document,
following procedure should be followed.
1) Create Return Delivery (MIGO)
2) Reverse the Excise Duty Posted (J1IS)
3) Raise the debit Note. (MIRO) * -- Rajesh Birari

Cancel Invoice In MR8M

While cancelling invoice in mr8m, I'm getting a message that FI documents to be cancelled manually. What does this means?

If the cancellation / reversal of MIRO invoice is done through MR8M, only the MM invoice / documents gets reversed but the FI document will not be reversed or cancelled.

We have to follow the following procedure.

1. Goto T.Code MIRO
2. Select Credit Memo in the transaction field.
3. Fill up all the details in the fields for the invoice to be reversed.
4. Give the P.O. no
5. Select the line item to be reversed.
6. Simulate and save.

The impact will be as CR - GR/IR clearing a/c
DR - Vendor a/c

By this procedure, the purchase order history in P.O. will also get updated and there is no requirement of any manual clearing. Only in the Vendor a/c, the DR. and CR should be knock off.

Recurring Documents and Interest Calculation in SAP

How to create recurring doucment template? How to run recurring document and what date should normally put to run it and what are the steps for Interest Calculations?

For Recurring document template you can use the following T.Codes

FBD1 - Creation of recurring document
FBD2 - Change recurring document (This is for changing of amount and recurring periods)
FBD3 - Display recurring document
F.14 - Posting of recurring document
F.15 - Display of recurring document

For Diff. run schedule recurring documents you can use this T.Codes

OBC1 - Creation of Diff. Run schedule Recurring document
OBC2 - Enter run dates for Recurring document
F.14 & F.15 steps are same

Steps For Interest Calculation you can use this following T.Codes :

OB59 - Define valuation method
OBA1 - Preapare automatinc postings for foreign currency valuation
FS00 - Assign exchange rate different key in loan a/c
F.05 - Foreign currencty revaluation
OBAA - Prepare account balance interest calculation
OBAc - Define reference interest rate
OB81 - Define time dependent terms
OB83 - Enter interest value
OBV2 - Assignmen of accounts for automatic
F.52 - Interest calculation

Update Trading Partner Field for Posted Documents in SAP

In FBL5N/FBL1N, I have checked the related documents and found that one of the line items is having 'Trading Parnter' field as BLANK. So I need to enter the Trading Partner in the document header. Here I have noticed that the Trading partner field is DISABLED and hence I am unable to enter the values and proceed further.

I think if I can fill the trading partner field with the required value the documents can be cleared.

How can I make the Trading Partner field active. In the document type setting KA (used here) the 'Enter Trading Partner' flag is ON. Also I have check the Field Status settings for the Posting Key also for Trading Partner.


On the first hand it is not possible to update the trading partner field for posted documents, as per SAP Standard. There are two alternatives to this:

Alternative 1:


1. Find out if there are any clearing documents within the main document in question which is not getting cleared due the trading partner field.
2. Goto FBRA: Reset and reverse the clearing documents if any as found in step 1.
3. Goto F-02 give the main document number; then goto "Document>Reverse" menu or press CTRL+SHIFT+F12 to reverse the document.
4. Goto F-02: Recreate the main document using "Post with reference" function of document header which gets automatically populated (with correct Trading Partner field )as per setting defined in the customer/vendor master data once the document is saved.
5. Goto F-44/F-32 and then try clearing the vendor/customer.
6. Dont forget the post the clearing documents which were reversed in Step 2.

Alternative 2: This shall be taken as the worst case which shall not be recommended as normal practice.

To develop an ABAP which shall update the trading partner field VBUND in Table BSEG, BSIK, BSID and then try clearing the documents.

What is Trading Partners?

In Business Terms Trading partner is your business partner within Group with whom you are doing business.In order to identify Inter Company transactions Trading partner field is used. You need to define all the Group Companies as company in SAP and all the defined Companies will be available for selection in Trading partner field. Trading partner can be defaulted in GL, Customer or Vendor Master. If you need you can populate trading partner at Document level too by doing settings in Document Type Master in T Code OBA7.

Trading partner is normally used to control (payment/transaction) vendor/customer business with the group. Something like group/inter group business. You have to go to master record. for eg, in customer master, go to CONTROL DATA tab so see Acccount Control, in which you have provide trading partner number/reference.

what is the Process Of Letter of Credit for Imports in SAP

1. The Clearing agent ask for amount, the person who receive the product will give Letter of Authority to Clearing Agent. The clearing agent move to bank and take check.

For this purpose, we just issue LA.

2. Prepare Purchase for the Vendor from whom we are going to receive the product. There may be 2 or more Vendors.

1. Product cost to be transferred to Vendor A
2. Freight or Other Charges to Vendor B
3. Customs Duty and Others to Vendor C

Tcode : Me21n

3. First We have to pay Customs Duty to Commissioner of Customs after LA issued.

Entry : Customs Clearing a/c Dr
Cess on Custom a/c Dr
CVD Clearing a/c Dr
Cess on CVD a/c Dr
Special CVD a/c Dr

Vendor C a/c Cr.


4. Cenvat credit for the product will be taken by person who handling Excise in that company

Entry : Cenvat Clearing a/c Cr.
RG23A Part II a/c Dr.

5. Clearing of Cenvat Credit

Entry : Cenvat Clearing a/c Dr.
CVD clearing a/c Cr.
Cess on CVD a/c Cr.
Special CVD a/c Cr.

6. After Bank payment they will transfter to us

Entry : Vendor a/c - Dr.
Bank a/c - Cr.

Posting Incoming Invoices Without Invoice Verification


In this scenario, we demonstrate both standard and fast entry of simple vendor invoices that have no PO relationships, together with the offsetting entry to a cost center. At the end of the posting procedure, you see how the invoices automatically update the general ledger, accounts payable and cost center accounting.

The integration demonstrated in this process, is not exclusive to Financial Accounting (FI). You would achieve the same level of integration if your invoice was posted via Materials Management (MM).

For more information about this process, see .

Process Flow

You can find the data for this process under .

  1. Displaying the Current G/L Balances (Payables)

  2. Entering Standard FI Invoices

  3. Fast Entry of Incoming Invoices

  4. Displaying Invoices, Changing Payment Terms, and Displaying Change Documents

  5. Displaying Vendor Balances, Line Items, and Documents

  6. Displaying G/L Balances (Payables)

  7. Displaying G/L Items (Expenses)

  8. Displaying the Effects of Vendor Items on Cost Center Accounting

Data Used During This Process in fico



North America


Expense account



Other costs

G/L account



Vendors - domestic liabilities

Company code






Local currency

Tax code




Document type



Vendor invoice

Document date

Today's date - 2

Today's date - 2

Vendor invoice date

Posting data






Cost center



Controlling area



Cost center value



Displaying the Current G/L Balances (Payables)


Before entering the vendor invoices, you first display the balances of the G/L reconciliation accounts for the vendors. After you have posted the invoices, you will display the same account again and verify the automatic update of the General Ledger.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® General Ledger ® Account ® Display Balances

    Transaction Code


  3. Enter the following data:
  4. Field


    North America

    G/L account



    Company code



    Fiscal year

    Current year

    Current year

    Business area



  5. Choose .
  6. Check the balance of the input month. Make a note of the balance for the current period.
  7. Choose until the overview tree appears.

Entering Standard FI Invoices in SAP

  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Payable ® Document Entry ® Other ® Invoice - General

    Transaction Code


    The top half of the screen contains the document header. All data entered here is relevant to the entire document. In the lower part of the screen, you enter the document items.

  3. Enter the following data:
  4. Field


    North America

    Document date

    Today’s date -2 days

    Today’s date -2 days

    Document type



    Company code



    Posting date

    Today’s date

    Today’s date





    Invoice number of the vendor (any number)

    Invoice number of the vendor (any number)

    PstKy (first line item)






  5. Choose .
  6. Enter the following data:
  7. Field


    North America




    Calculate tax



    Tax code



    Payment terms



    PstKy (second line item)






  8. Choose .
  9. Enter the following data:
  10. Field


    North America




    Cost center






  11. Choose .
  12. The invoice is posted. The system confirms that the document has been posted.

  13. Make a note of the document number.
  14. Choose .
  15. In the Exit Processing dialog box, choose Yes.

Fast Entry of Incoming Invoices in SAP


You now use the fast entry function in accounts payable to enter a vendor invoice. You receive the same results if you post your invoice using invoice verification.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Payable ® Document Entry ® Other ® Invoice/Credit Memo Fast Entry

    Transaction Code


    The Invoice/Credit Fast Entry: Header Data screen appears only once each day. If you process the same transaction again during the same day, the screen is skipped and the input parameters are copied over automatically. To change the initial parameters, you would choose .

  3. Enter the following data:
  4. Field


    North America

    Company code



    Posting date

    Today’s date

    Today’s date

    Document type






    Document date

    Today’s date -2

    Today’s date -2

  5. Choose Enter invoice/credit memo.
  6. Enter the following data:
  7. Field


    North America


    Invoice number of the vendor

    Invoice number of the vendor





    116 (gross invoice amount, including value added tax)

    106 (gross invoice amount, including sales tax)

    Tax amount

    16 (amount according to invoice)


    Offsetting items





    100 (net invoice amount)

    100 (net invoice amount)




    Cost ctr



    If you want to post multiple lines as offsetting entries and it is only the cost center that changes, just enter the amount and cost center. The system defaults the remaining information automatically.

    If you need more lines as offsetting entries, choose , then choose G/L item fast entry. To enter more lines, choose G/L item fast entry.

  8. Choose .
  9. Choose .
  10. The system displays the document number.

  11. Make a note of the document number.
  12. Choose until the overview tree appears.

Displaying Invoices, Changing Payment Terms, and Displaying Change Documents


You now display the invoice you created in the previous process step. You then change the payment terms and display the document again with the change history. The change history shows you what changes have been made, by whom and when the changes were made.

In this process step, you call up the invoices individually. You need to repeat this procedure for each document.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Accounts Payable ® Document ® Display

    Transaction Code


  3. Enter the following data:
  4. Field


    North America

    Document number

    Enter one of the document numbers you noted previously

    Enter one of the document numbers you noted previously

    Company code



    Fiscal year

    Current year

    Current year

  5. Choose .
  6. Choose .
  7. In the dialog box, you see information about the user who posted the document, when it was posted, and which transaction was used.

  8. Choose .
  9. Double click on the vendor line item.
  10. You are currently in the display mode. To change the payment terms you must switch to the change mode.

  11. Choose .
  12. Enter the following data:
  13. Field


    Payt terms




    You have now changed the payment terms so that the invoice is due in 5 days.

  14. Choose .
  15. The R/3 System warns you that the payment terms have been changed.

  16. Choose .
  17. Choose .
  18. Choose .
  19. On the Display Document: Initial Screen choose .
  20. Choose Environment
  21. ® Document changes.

    The system displays a list of all fields in which changes have been made. Note that your changes to the Payment terms field have triggered changes in various other fields.

  22. Double click on the Payment terms line.
  23. You now see the old and new value of the field.

  24. Double-click on the line once more to call up information about the user who made the changes and the time of the change.
  25. Repeat this procedure to change the payment terms for the other document.

  26. Choose until the overview tree appears.


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