Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Delink Cheque Payment from Payment Document

I want to delink cheque number 000100 from payment doc 4500021.
I want to reverse the payment doc 4500021 and pass a new payment doc 4500022 and attach (Link) the cheque number 000100 to this new payment doc 4500022.

Note the follwoing functionality :

Cheque Voiding ( same as cheque cancellation as we call it )

FCH3 - For unused Cheques i.e. cheques that are not yet assigned to Payment docs.

FCH9 - For issued cheques i.e. cheques assigned to payment docs.

The above will only void the cheque and the payment doc will stand as it is. After voiding the cheque the related payment doc can be reassigned to a new cheque.

If you reverse a Payment document itself ( T.Code FB08 ) then the system will ask for a void reason if a cheque is already assigned. The voiding of cheque will be done automatically if you reverse the payment doc and enter a void reason code. You cannot reverse a payment doc that has been assigned a cheuqes unless you enter a void reason code.

There is a nother transaction available for Payment Cancellation - FCH8

The cheque that has been voided is blocked for further use. If you still want to use it you need to first delete the cheque information. T.Code FCHE.

Also cheque related t.codes in this aspect. related T.Codes start with FCH* and can be found in the Area Menu Cheque Information.

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