Friday, February 13, 2009

Choosing Objects for Processing


An advantage of this worklist is that the objects for processing only have to be selected once per flow definition.


You are in flow definition in Schedule Manager (Extras ® Flow definition ® Edit flow definition).


  1. Choose a processing step in the navigation area.
    On the right of the screen, you see Flow definition: Task details.
  2. Enter a new variant for this processing step and define a name for this new variant in the Variant field .
  3. Choose Create variant.
    The Variant Maintenance screen appears. Program , variant .
    Here you can determine the scope of selection of the program variants for the flow definition.
  4. To be able to choose more extensive selection criteria, first complete the required entry fields, for example Period <
  5. 006>, Fiscal year <2000>.
  6. You can now define further selection parameters using the various pushbuttons that are offered in dialog boxes.
  7. Choose Attributes.
    The ABAP: Save Attributes of Variant screen appears.

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