Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Creating a Billing Document


Finally, you create an invoice in sales and distribution. For this, you refer to the delivery of the 210 monitors.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:
  2. Menu Path

    Logistics ® Sales and Distribution ® Billing ® Billing document ® Create

    Transaction Code


    In the field Document you can see the number of the delivery created beforehand. If this should not be the case, please enter the delivery number from the previous operation.

  3. Choose .
  4. Double-click on the billing item created.
  5. Choose the Item partners tab page.
  6. On the following screen, the system displays all partners of the document item.

  7. Choose twice.
  8. Choose .
  9. Note the document number.
  10. Choose .
  11. Call up the transaction as follows:
  12. Menu Path

    Logistics ® Sales and Distribution ® Billing ® Billing Document ® Display

    Transaction Code

    VF03, FB03

    The billing document number should appear in the billing document field.

  13. Choose .
  14. Select your item and choose Accounting.
  15. In the dialog box choose Accounting document.
  16. You can see the document overview. The document should look as follows:

    Debit 2145 CompuMax GmbH AN 340,016.88

    Credit 800002 Sales revenues - do AN 293,118.00

    Credit 175000 Output tax AN 46,898.88

  17. Choose .
  18. Choose .
  19. Choose until the overview tree appears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I read this post 2 times. It is very useful.

Pls try to keep posting.

Let me show other source that may be good for community.

Source: Accounting interview questions

Best regards

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